We bring the latina fiesta to you

Our South American fusion food truck offers a unique blend of traditional South American cuisine with ingredients from around the world. Consuela's Haus menu features a variety of dishes that are inspired by the rich and diverse culinary traditions of countries such as Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Chile.

our menu

  • Tacos


Soft Flour tortilla dipped in consomé and filled with Slow cooked Beef, corn and Pebre. Toped with Aioli.

$8.50 2X$15


Soft Flour tortilla dipped in consomé and filled with Chicken in olive oil and Merkén, corn and Pebre. Toped with Aioli.

$8.50 2X$15


Soft Flour tortilla dipped in consomé and filled with Jackfruit in BBQ sauce, corn and Pebre. Toped with Aioli.

$8.50 2X$15


Soft Flour tortilla dipped in consomé and filled with Mushrooms in olive oil and spiced with Merkén, corn and Pebre. Toped with Aioli.

$8.50 2X$15


Soft Flour tortilla dipped in consomé and filled with fried bannana blossoms in spicy batter, toped with coriander, pickled onions and topped with Aioli.

$8.50 2X$15

*GF-VG-VE options available

  • other goodies


Sopaipillas are similar to scallops or hashbrowns but they're made of Pumpkin. Our sopaipillas come topped with Pebre, a Chilean condiment made of coriander and/or parsley, chopped onion and Aioli.

$6.50 or 2x$12

  • Sweets

Churros with Manjar ( Chilean Caramel)

Churros with Manjar, Chile's National Caramel, also known as Dulce De Leche. Topped with chocolate chips and caster sugar.


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where do we go?

Anywhere within The Scenic Rim, Brisbane and The Gold Coast Region.

when are we open?

Check our events for more information about markets or hotspots. Otherwise email us if you want to book our catering services.